Estabilidade de Flutuantes
A engenharia é uma das áreas onde o petróleo movimenta bilhões de dólares diariamente em uma atividade industrial gigantesca e tem encontrado terreno propício para a sua aplicação e desenvolvimento teórico e prático. Aqui na biblioteca você encontrará sugestões de livros para estudo e desenvolvimento no setor naval, que podem ser adquiridos no site da Amazon.
Estabilidade de Sistemas Flutuantes: Estudo da Estabilidade de Embarcações
José Marcio Vasconcellos / Conceito Atual(5 setembro 2023) Formato: eBook Kindle
Ministrando a disciplina de Arquitetura Naval II para a formação de centenas de Engenheiros Navais do Departamento de Engenharia Naval e Oceânica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e disciplina de estabilidade para o curso de formação de operadores de plataforma exigidos pelos regulamentos STCW (Barge Operator - BCO, Barge Superviser - BS e Offshore Operation Manager OIM) para mais de 1000 profissionais, tive a oportunidade de vivenciar muito de perto o conteúdo técnico desta área de conhecimento. Essa foi a principal motivação para escrever este livro.
A organização do livro seguiu a mesma sequência da ministração das aulas. Apesar de não ser a única estrutura possível, pareceu ao longo destes anos a mais didática para a evolução do conhecimento.
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates
7th Edição Inglês por Bryan Barrass (Autor), Capt Derrett, D R (Autor) Formato: eBook Kindle
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates explores all aspects of ship stability and ship strength, squat, and interaction and trim, as well as materials stresses and forces. Organized into 56 chapters, the book looks at the relationship between ship stability and ship motion, with emphasis on group weights in a ship. It also explains how TPCs are calculated for a range of drafts extending beyond the light and loaded drafts, along with form coefficients, including the coefficient of fineness of the waterplane area.
Ship Hydrostatics and Stability
13 de outubro 2013 - Edição Inglês por Adrian B. Biran (Autor), Ruben Lopez Pulido (Autor)
Ship Hydrostatics and Stability is a complete guide to understanding ship hydrostatics in ship design and ship performance, taking you from first principles through basic and applied theory to contemporary mathematical techniques for hydrostatic modeling and analysis. Real life examples of the practical application of hydrostatics are used to explain the theory and calculations using MATLAB and Excel.
Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability
14 dezembro 2000 - Edição Inglês por D Vassalos (Autor), M Hamamoto (Autor), D Molyneux (Autor), A Papanikolaou (Autor)
Widely publicised disasters serve as a reminder to the maritime profession of the eminent need for enhancing safety cost-effectively and as a strong indicator of the existing gaps in the stability safety of ships and ocean vehicles. The problem of ship stability is so complex that practically meaningful solutions are feasible only through close international collaboration and concerted efforts by the maritime community, deriving from sound scientific approaches. Responding to this and building on an established track record of co-operative research between UK and Japan, a Collaborative Research Project (CRP) was launched in 1995.
Reeds Vol 13: Ship Stability, Powering and Resistance
10 abril de 2014 - Edição Inglês por Joihnathan Ridley (Autor), Christopher Patterson (Autor), Jonathan Ridley
This indispensable guide to ship stability covers essential topics such as flotation and buoyancy, small angle, large angle and longitudinal stability, water density effects, bilging, ship resistance, and advanced hydrostatics. Each chapter has a comprehensive list of aims and objectives at the start of the topic, followed by a checklist at the end of the topic for students to ensure that they have developed all the relevant skills before moving onto the next topic area.
The Maritime Engineering Reference Book: A Guide to Ship Design, Construction and Operation
1ª Edição eBook - Edição Inglês por Anthony F. Molland (Editor) Formato: eBook Kindle
The Maritime Engineering Reference Book is a one-stop source for engineers involved in marine engineering and naval architecture. In this essential reference, Anthony F. Molland has brought together the work of a number of the world's leading writers in the field to create an inclusive volume for a wide audience of marine engineers, naval architects and those involved in marine operations, insurance and other related fields.